React.js Cheat Sheet

Who needs Vanilla-js?


Why components?

React.js components allow you to split the whole app into individual components and reuse them. The idea follows the don't-repeat-yourself philosophy.

Functional Component

const Person = () => {
    return <p>Max</p>
// or:
function Person() {
    return <p>Max</p>
<Person/>  // renders <p>Max</p>

Component with Props

function Person(props) {
    return <p>{}</p>
<Person name='Anna'/> // renders <p>Anna</p>
Props work like parameters in functions. We can pass them into a component, generating an individual output.

Multiple Props

function Person(props) {
    return <p>{}, {props.age}</p>
<Person name='Anna' age={23} /> 
// renders <p>Anna, 23</p>
Thanks to the Spread Operator, we can decompose the object.


ES6 Shorthands in React.js

Many Shorthands of JavaScript can be used in React.js - they make your code cleaner, easier readable and slimmer.
I wrote an article on this topic: 4 Useful JavaScript-Shorthands for React.js

if-else-shorthand in JSX

const OurComponent = () => {
    return (
        {6 > 5 ? (
            <p>6 is greater</p>
        ) : (
            <p>6 is less or equal</p>

Another example

function App() {
    return (
        {!loading ? (
            <p>Main content</p>
        ) : (
A more useful example

Spread Operator in JSX

const PersonComponent = (props) => {
    return (
            {} is {props.age} years old
function App() {
    const props = { name: 'Max', age: 23 }
    return <PersonComponent {...props} />
Thanks to the Spread Operator, we can decompose the object.

Destructuring in React.js

const [count, changeCount] = useState(0)
// returns the current state '0'

// function, to change the state to '5'
We usually use destructuring when setting up our state with hooks. Learn more about destructuring here

Destructuring with props

const Person = (props) => {
    return (
            <p>Name: {}</p>
            <p>Age: {props.age}</p>
const Person = (props) => {
    const { name, age } = props
    return (
            <p>Name: {name}</p>
            <p>Age: {age}</p>
Same result, but the second example looks much better, right?

#Event Handling in React

Onclick events

function hello() {

function App() {
    return <button onClick={hello}>
        Click me
Providing the function, which should me executed as a variable, will work. Important: Do not call the function with the bracktes-syntax. This will executed the function instantly.

Onclick events - anonymous function

function App() {
    return <button onClick={() => alert('hello')}>
        Click me
Same result as in the example before, but without declaring a function.

Handling Forms

function App() {
  const [input, changeInput] = useState("")

  function handleChange(event) {

  return (
    <form onSubmit={() => alert(input)}>
      <input type="text" value={input} onChange={handleChange}/>
      <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
This example uses hooks to save the input in the form. With the onSubmit attribute we can handle submitting forms on our own.

#Hooks in React.js

What are Hooks in React?

Hooks are the new way to deal with state, and lifecycles of components. Replacing the state-object, componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate and many more things - while making class-based code completely unnecessary.

useState Hook

function App() {
      const [count, setCount] = useState(0)
      return (
            <p>The count: {count}</p>
            <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
Through destructuring, we receive two variables from the useState hook: The first one is the actually state, count, the second one, the function to alter the state setCount

useEffect - componentDid Mount & Update

function App() {

    useEffect(() => {
      console.log("component just rendered")
    }, [])

    return (
          <p>Hello World!</p>
When passing in an empty array as second argument for useEffect, the Hooks behaves like componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate. When executing the code, the Hook will be only executed once.

useEffect - detecting state changes

function App() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

  useEffect(() => {
    console.log("count changed")
  }, [count])

  return (
        <p>The count: {count}</p>
        <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
When passing an actually state in the array of useEffect, the Hook will be only executed once.

useEffect - componentWillUnmount

function Status() {
  useEffect(() => {
    return () => {

  return <p>I am here! </p>

function App() {
  const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false)

  return (
        <p>Optional component:</p>
        {visible && <Status />}
        <button onClick={() => setVisible(!visible)}>
          Toggle visibility of Status
What is happening inside the return expression is the code, which is run on the cleanup as it is often called. Both the logs fit what is happening: Mounting / rendering and unmounting, when visible is set to false.

useRef - referencing native DOM elements

function App() {
	const elementRef = useRef()

	useEffect(() => {
		const divElement = elementRef.current
    // logs <div>A random div</div>
	}, [])

	return (
		<div ref={elementRef} id="something">
			A random div
useRef can be used to reference elements in the DOM - the example prints the rendered div as an HTML objects, just like in plain JS. The example is based on's awesome tutorial.

useMemo - memoizing values

function App() {
	const [count, setCount] = useState(10)

	const expensiveComputation = useMemo(() => {
		return count * 2
	}, [count])

	return (
			<p>Count: {count}</p>
			<p>Expensive count: {expensiveComputation}</p>
			<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment count</button>
useMemo memoizes a value, based on a state. It helps to avoid repeating expensive computations on every render, when the original state isn't even changed. Therefore, the memoized value will only be recomputed, when the state is changed.

useReducer - Redux-like state handling

function App() {

	function reducer(state, action) {
		switch (action.type) {
			case 'plus':
				return state + 1
			case 'minus':
				return state - 1

	const [count, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, 0)

	return (
			Count: {count}
			<button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'plus' })}>Plus 1</button>
			<button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'minus' })}>Minus 1</button>
useReducer is a more complex alternative to useState. While altering the state with useState works directly, useReducer first dispatches and action, and offers to check how to compute the state first.

useCallback - memoizing component functions

function App() {
	const [count, setCount] = useState(10)

	const doubleCount = useCallback(() => {
		return count * 2
	}, [count])

	return <ChildComponent getValue={doubleCount} />
When writing a function inside a component, a new function object is created on each render. Especially, when a function is passed down to multiple child components, this often means unnecessary computations. useCallback memoizes a function, to solve this problem. The function object is only recreated, when the referred state changes.